V002 Unfailing Love | Beyond Documentary | DVD
V002 Unfailing Love | Beyond Documentary | DVD
美國境內免稅免郵費 五套以上八折優
List Price :  $15.00 / Set
Your Price :  $5.00 / Set In Stock
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Product Content: 1 Documentary Product Format: 2 DVD Product Language: 2 English 1 Chinese
Description: Unfailing Love | Beyond Documentary DVD about 50 min. : Separated in their 30s on different shores of the Pacific with no connection especially during the political turmoil of their homeland, yet they waited and waited for 30 years until they were reunited at age 60. The wife had been left with 5 kids to care for by herself. By the time of their reunion, the wife brought to her husband 27 descendants. What is the power that sustained this couple and authored this unbelievable romance? Pastor Guo Zhen and his wife offer a convincing answer in this episode.
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J**********n V002 Unfailing Love | Beyond Documentary | DVD $5.00 1 5/12/21 2:54 AM Transaction
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